
Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Did some celebratory eating and drinking and I've gone from maintaining to up 6lbs. And I'm back to insane carb cravings and food excuses. Like a big alcoholic saying "one won't hurt me." Now I've gotta battle to eat healthy again... cut the carbs. Eat diabetic. More green. Less beige. More water. Smaller servings.

I got 3 runs in over the past 5 days... being tied up with this whole hurricane thing, it was beautiful to get out and run instead of staying cooped up in my apartment with netflix and the lemon bars we made.

Now I like to set new years goals on birthdays because that's when the REAL new year starts.

This year... 

  1. Read 24 books. (at least ONE non-fiction). 
  2. Save $2400
  3. Get down to 250lbs 
  4. Learn 25 Spanish words/phrases
  5. Learn 25 French words/phrases
  6. Write a short stand up bit. 
  7. Work on becoming a morning person. 
  8. Go running 104 times. 
  9. Find something to be thankful for everyday. Write it down. 
  10. Get a pedicure. 
  11. Go swimming... and then make it a habit. 
  12. Visit the Ocean. 
  13. Pay off Discover card ($1200). 
  14. Pay off Tamara ($368) 
  15. Pay off Sarah ($1300)
  16. Put a dent in the student loans. 
  17. Have ONE full-time Grown Up job. 
  18. Buy the Tim Minchin Album
  19. Practice being more fancy. 
  20. Wear out one pair of running shoes. 
  21. Stretch more... like before bed every night. 
  22. Buy one excellent piece of clothing. 
  23. Begin a skin regimen... including staying hydrated. 
  24. Continue to find my healthy nyc habits. 
  25. Do something that challenges my boundaries. 
  26. Fast once a month along with reflection/journal. 

LOVE your body, CULTIVATE your mind and FREE yourself from debt.

Big Fat 26 Year Old Love,


  1. That list ROCKS! congrats on your successful move to NYC; I'm glad you're staying safe amidst chaos and hope you have/had a great B'day!!

  2. Good goals, Nanette! I wish you the best at working on these. I am too shell-shocked right now to set any goals. Life is about getting through each day as it comes for me at the moment but maybe soon I will settle in and begin a routine again. I have only myself to depend on now. You sound wonderful. I will take a cue from you and start looking ahead.

  3. Happy belated Birthday! Considering all the progress and bold moves you made over the last year, it seems like you're ready to do amazing things in the year to come. Here's to reaching all your goals and doing even more. :)

    It's been ages since we've talked! I've thought of you and thought of calling, but it seems like your schedule is jam-packed. Let me know if/when you have some downtime. Maybe over the holidays? I'd love to know how you're doing.


sorry guys, so much spam, gotta put the filters up again.

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