
Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 5... temptation and Day 7.

Hello again!

Okay so Day 5 came and went. My energy was high. I was busy all day with social activities. I read an entire book in one day without feeling like I needed a nap. I bought fresh produce. It seems that every person I know wants to talk about food all of the time.

Day 6... well, it started right. I'd made some mass green juice on thursday. But it was so bad (never using green peppers again, they overpower EVERYTHING) that I couldn't convince myself to keep drinking it. I decided to walk to the farmers market and buy some different ingredients and start over from scratch. Energy was pretty good... got a 45 minute walk in on the way there... bought some organic/non-pesticided cucumbers and tomatoes and butter lettuce. Ran into a professor from school. We sat and talked and I started getting really light headed. So I caught a ride home with them.

I drank some water... and some fruit juice. Then took a nap. I woke up craving fish. WHICH, I feel is at least a stride in the right direction. The first time in 6 days that it wasn't a craving for bread, cheese, pizza or pasta... I couldn't get excited about that damned green juice. So I made tilapia and 2 eggs. No extra oil. No crazy salt or anything... and it was exactly what my body was wanting and demanding. I didn't feel sick after. My energy came back. I felt better than I had in the past 4 days. I guess I was just missing some protein. I feel bad bc I know I can do this pure juice thing, I can control my body and cravings.

Day 7... Sunday. Back on the juice wagon. No hunger pangs. No problem. I didn't get enough water. But I did get an hour of walking in.

I'm looking for high protein juice recipes. I'm dreading the scales this week because of the tiny cheat. To keep myself strong, I'm going to socialize less (everyone just talks about food!), start putting a little exercise in every day (30-60 min walk), drink more water and remember how great it will be to fit into that black dress.

I'll Juice To That!

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