
Sunday, February 5, 2012

A More Focused Week...

I've gone all wonky this weekend with food. It took every ounce of discipline I had to make my menu today. Shopping will have to wait until tomorrow...   However, I DID watch an entire season of The United States of Tara, read 200 pages of Mockingjay and made 10 homemade valentines that I can mail out tomorrow.

So this week...

- Stick to the menu.
- Grocery Shop.
- Jump, shake and move my body (mon, tues, wed, fri, sat).
- Practice piano 2x.
- Do some laundry!
- Get the stinking dishes done!

Normally weekends are my house work time. This weekend has been so crazy! It's like everyone teamed up to have birthdays this weekend or travel into town or have all sorts of celebration...   celebration = food. This week is already off to a rough start. Just need to be super vigilant for the rest of the week in order to see a little loss.

Big Fat Checklist Love,


  1. I love the Hunger Games trilogy! Cannot wait for the movie ...

  2. LOL...same here. I left for work this morning leaving a mountain of laundry, a sink full of dishes and crumbs on the floor. But oh my - what a fun weekend we had!


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